Care is a big part of our economy and shapes all our lives. In?the new Huffington Post article, Riane Eisler and Valerie Young?review?party platforms??responses to?policies that support care including gender pay gap, maternity leave and support for elder care workers. Our nation invests less than any other developed country on supporting the care work primarily performed by women. Viewed through the powerful lens of the Caring Economy Campaign?s Social Wealth Economic Indicators, the link between public investment in a care infrastructure and human well-being becomes visible.
Policies that support care and value those who provide it further a stronger society and shared prosperity. Writing recently in The New York Times, columnist Nick Kristof stated ??the evidence is also overwhelming that when women gain power and a seat at the table, we men benefit as well.?
Can we work together to make caring count in this election?
Join Riane and Valerie online on September 16 for the 90-minute webinar Election 2016: The Care Deficit

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