CPS Annual Report 2023
The 2023 Center for Partnership Annual Report is now available! View our gratitude and accomplishments, and share in our success.
You can see the report on our supporters page.
The Partnership Toolkit
Have you ever asked yourself: “Does it have to be this way, with winners-take-all on top? “Is all the cruelty, violence, and suffering in our world inevitable? Is there an alternative, and if so, what is it and how do we get there?”
Visit this page and get our guide for creating values-based change through caring, equity, and sustainability.
The Power of Partnership Podcast
What if there is a way to transform society and create a more caring, equitable, and connected world? The POP podcast brings you the people who are doing just that: people who are helping build a world that values caring, nature, and shared prosperity. They are applying the Partnership ethos, the ground-breaking alternative to Domination Systems that are at the root of our most pressing challenges.
Visit our Media Gallery!
Now more than ever, we are dedicated to activating a mainstream movement to build Partnership-based economic and social systems that support human beings and the planet that sustains us.
To activate this mainstream movement, we have created a gallery of infographics, quote cards, and fact sheets that highlight Dr. Riane Eisler’s multidisciplinary research and scholarship on Partnership Systems.
The Partnership Technology Toolkit
The Partnership Technology Toolkit was developed by the Center for Partnership Systems with support from the Ford Foundation. Its goal is to shift technologists’ thinking, reject false narratives about what is possible, and build technologies that support a more caring, sustainable, equitable, partnership future.
Download the Partnership Technology Toolkit
Self-Paced Course with Riane Eisler
Changing Our Story, Changing Our Lives is now available in the new Partnership Learning Center. The course introduces a narrative about human history, human nature, and human possibilities, guiding us in building a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.

Welcome to the Center for Partnership Systems

“We need a new cultural and economic analysis that no longer ignores the majority of humanity: women and children.”
“There is another logical alternative: societies in which difference is not equated with inferiority or superiority.”
“When the status and power of women is greater so also is the nation’s general quality of life; when they are lower, so is the quality of life for all.”
“In sum, the struggle for our future is . . . the struggle between those who cling to patterns of domination and those working for a more equitable partnership world.”
“We CAN build an economic system that takes us beyond communism, capitalism, and other old isms. We CAN create economic models and policies that support caring for ourselves, others, and our Mother Earth. We need a caring revolution.”
“We have to recognize that the rape of nature and the rape of women is of the same dominator cloth: part of an authoritarian and exploitive system of top-down rankings.”
“Recovering our lost relationship with nature does not just entail replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs; we’ve got to replace the stories and assumptions that broke that relationship in the first place with a partnership story that works.”
“Ending public sector cuts for teachers and caregivers avoids not only suffering but also economic disaster. Otherwise we deprive our nation of the capable work force essential for success in the post-industrial knowledge/service age.”
“Gender relationships, which are tough for people to deal with, are key to whether a society orients to domination or partnership in all its relations.”
“There was one study in our book Nurturing Our Humanity that I particularly love: the pleasure centers in our brains light up more when we share than when we win.”
“Can we really expect adequate funding for programs to clean up our environment and care for people’s basic needs as long as the socially essential work of care taking and cleaning is relegated to women for little or no pay?”
“People living in a system that at every turn impedes the fulfillment of their basic human needs – not only for love but for creative and spiritual expression – will try to compensate for this in other ways, including the compulsive acquisition of ever more material goods.”
“Caring for life – for self, others, and nature – must be part of the curriculum from pre-school to graduate school.”
“Societies that define masculinity & femininity fluidly instead of rigidly, in which a wide range of possibilities are available to men & women, and in which caring for others is highly values & exhibited by both men & women, tend to orient toward a partnership model.”
“To be aware that we are all part of an exquisitely interwoven web of life is part of a partnership consciousness.”
“An old strand of trees doesn’t make it into GDP until it is dead, until it has been chopped down. GDP not only puts negatives in as positives, it fails to give any value to work of caring for our natural life support systems.”
“Companies that have caring policies have a higher return to investors.The same applies to nations. Nations that pioneer caring policies show the enormous return on investment of caring for our most important assets: people and nature.”
“The real wealth of a nation is not financial. You see this everyday when the stock market seesaws up & down. Our real wealth consists of the contributions of people & nature.”
The Center for Partnership Systems (CPS) — formerly the Center for Partnership Studies—is dedicated to research, education, and building tools to construct economic and social systems that support human beings and the planet that sustains us. This site provides a wide array of resources about the history and foundations of Partnership Systems that will empower you to apply partnership principles in your own family, community, workplace, and government.
The Partnerism Movement is a CPS initiative to accelerate the shift from Domination to Partnership Systems. We start with a caring economics of Partnerism, an economic system that, unlike Capitalism and Socialism, values and rewards caring for one another, nature, and our collective future. We invite you to join the Partnerism Movement.
Jed Diamond: The Future of Partnership in a Conflicted World
CPS partner Jed Diamond highlights his work advocating for a shift to Partnership Systems: “Our Certification Training e-book features Riane Eisler’s work: Survive and Thrive in the Post-Covid World: Your Guide for a Partnership Future.
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies
IJPS is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic journal that shares scholarship and creates connections for cultural transformation to build a world in which all relationships, institutions, policies and organizations are based on principles of partnership.
Dedicated to Our Country’s Economic Health: Support the Social Wealth Index
“From a young age, I understood the importance of kind and caring work because I was surrounded by courageously kind women—women like my mom and all of you. The care for children, the community, and the household was the glue that kept our community strong and allowed us kids to thrive”…
Forward Thinking Fridays
Check out the new CPS program on Facebook and Instagram! In our first live dialogue, Licia Rando is interviewed by CPS’s Robyn Baker on how to promote the wellbeing of children and the quality of our connections with them throughout childhood.
Leaders Profile: Ginger Garner
Ginger wrote that her political leadership “is the means by which, through caregiving and service to the public, I can continue to translate caring economy principles into policy. I would encourage other partnership and caring economics leaders to consider what critical role they could have in…
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Take Action
The world is at a pivotal point and now more than ever we need to find ways to build a fairer and more just world.