August 29, 2019

Partnership leader and co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS) Teddie Potter attended the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City where she spoke about supporting nurses to address the health impacts of climate change. Teddie commented, “Sustainable Development Goal #17 is Partnerships. We just need to work to ensure that global understanding is based on the full potential of partnership at it is lived out in Riane’s work?.
From the conference website:
?The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for action, advocacy and partnership, and a compass to ensure that no one is left behind, including those who are poor and vulnerable. Women and young people are seizing opportunities to participate fully and prominently as leaders in these efforts, and there are numerous examples of local action contributing to achieving national frameworks and bringing about global impact. The SDGs were designed with direct participation from more than 10 million people globally over a three-year period and were launched in 2015 with the support of all 193 UN Member States. Civil society is key to promoting understanding of these ambitious Goals and achieving them by 2030?.
Partnership Sustainable Development Goals are documented in the Outcome Statement:
Therefore, as global citizens, we commit individually and collectively:
To form civil society collaborations, including public-private partnerships, in order to formulate policies, mechanisms, and regulations that foster peaceful, prosperous, inclusive,and sustainable cities and communities. These efforts must include ways to track progress via key performance indicators.
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