August 2022
Riane Eisler will keynote the 36X36 Conference: A Femxle Reference System for Economies on August 29th.
The conference is organized by the 36X36, an association "creating a powerful network of meaningful relationships between female visionaries and practitioners, decision-makers and change agents to build the pathways towards life-serving future economies."
The conference takes place in St. Arbogast, Austria, but videos of Eisler's keynote will be available online after the conference.
Learn more about 36X36 and the Life-Serving Economies conference below.
36x36 Conference 2022: Life-Serving Economies Conference
The discovery routes will be exciting and forward-looking
- From narratives to data for future economies
- From regenerative finance to learning from regeneration of soils
- From circular economies to multiple ways of caring economies
- From overcoming the dualistic symbolic order to shifts in public values
- From redefining money from a female perspective to feminist perspectives in green investments
- From stewarding life with entrepreneurs and investors to collaborative feminist practices for economic transformations
- From partnerships for transformation to building transformation networks
The conversations about how women can become architects of our future economies will be embedded in a nourishing environment with loving food, walks in nature, fireside chats and reflective dialogue.
You can find the tentative program overview here.
Background for the Conference on Life-Serving Economies
The many symptoms of global sustainability challenges are now widely recognized as symptoms of man-made self-destructive economic behavior. Many voices are calling for a change.
It is time to realign the purpose of economies towards life.
The purpose of the conference is to contribute to developing the fundamentals of a new and life-serving economic architecture based on a female and feminist reference system.
"A change in purpose changes a system profoundly, even if every element and interconnection remains the same." - Donella H. Meadows
- A three-day learning journey to reveal the femxle perspective on a future-proof reference system for economies.
- An opportunity to bring the thematic expertise of womxn to the fore
- A thorough discourse on feminist perspective on new economic approaches
- A decisive step on the pathway to developing a new economic architecture based on a life-serving female reference system

We will bring the puzzle pieces of new economic approaches together and kick-off a collaborative process to co-construct the fundamentals of future economies from a feminist lens. It is time women become architects of our future economies.
The conference will have three streams:
Read More: A Unique Opportunity to Spend Eight Weeks with Riane Eisler
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