The world needs wise woman elders: join CPS alumna Ariana Newcomer for the Reclaiming the Wise Woman Elder Summit and hear Riane Eisler?s keynote Sept. 9, 2017.
Use this link to register:?
Right now, our world is in need of deep transformation. The Divine Feminine is rising to rebalance the world and create healing for humans, our climate, and all beings on Earth.
In order for that rebalancing to happen, it must include wise woman elders as powerful representations of the goddess, to be honored and consulted. And we have to move beyond the old dominator paradigm of culture into one of partnership.

CPS Alumna and Partnership Practitioner, Ariana Newcomer, is a wise elder who specializes in healing the soul?s voice to joyfully express its divine purpose. She?s dedicated to creating true partnership between men and women, and reclaiming the status of older women as respected divine feminine elders, mentors and healers.
That?s why she created the ?Reclaiming The Wise Woman Elder – for the Healing of Earth? Summit. I?m honored and delighted to be the keynote speaker for this project.
It?s not patriarchy vs matriarchy, it?s domination vs partnership: the distinction that will change your life.
This complimentary virtual event begins on September 9, and brings together wise elders (including 2 men), with some younger wise women, to share about how to
? become a wise elder and mentor,
? tap into your well of creativity and inspiration in elder times,
? treat menopause as a sacred journey,
? own your value as an elder woman,
? reconnect with Earth,
? and make a real difference in the world with your wisdom.? ?
Sign up for the Reclaiming the Wise Woman Elder Summit here: ?
It?s FREE!
Join us, and you?ll also discover how to:
- Move beyond limiting beliefs and stories about old women to claim your unique elder wisdom.
- Help create the partnership paradigm for deep cultural and personal transformation.
- Release blocks to using your authentic voice and power.
- Bridge your spirituality with the ?real world? and politics, so you can make the impact you desire.
- Weave your life experience into a beautiful business helping others.
- Help the climate in your own community.
- Be healthy and juicy through menopause and beyond
- Make menopause and after a highly creative, powerful time
- Why moving into partnership with women makes men more whole.
?and so much more!
You?ll also get to see a true spiritual partnership between a man and a woman in action, and learn why women elders are especially important at this time.
When you purchase an All-Access Pass, Ariana is donating a percentage of proceeds to the Center For Partnership Studies.
See you online!
I’m so excited about this interview series, and deep thanks to Riane for being my keynote speaker!
Greetings from London
My name is Carina Coen I would like to share with you my eco mythology educational fantasy novel
“Sylvie’s Wish” as I believe story telling has a unique way of opening people’s minds and hearts as to how we can heal the complex issues facing our environment and how to love ourselves and change the economy into a Caring Economy. I am truly inspired by these wise women coming together and want to share my work with you. I only have my book in physical form printed on recycled algae with bio degradable inks and now available in my local library as I feel immeadiate community and those around you is the right place to start to share this important message about the divine feminine.
Carina Coen