Check out CPS’ partner Jed Diamond’s new article “Gylanic Healing and The Future of Humankind: Lessons from the Covid, Climate, and Violence Crises”.
Have you heard of the terms gylanic or gylany? In Jed Diamond’s 3-part exploration of the evolutionary story of humanity, Jed shares how Riane Eisler’s original term gylany (linking of women and men, rather than, as in androcracy, ranking men over women), offers a clear way to understand our shift from Domination to Partnership systems, especially in intimate relationships.
Riane Eisler: “We need to think outside the box of patriarchy and matriarchy and find a new story that can unite the world, beginning with the most fundamental difference in our species, between male and female.”
Jed Diamond: “As an evolutionary-trained healer, I’ve often wondered how far back in our evolutionary history we must go to find the first males and females? It was the first question I wanted answered when I began writing my latest book, 12 Rules for Good Men. I was surprised when I discovered the lineage of males and females goes back billions of years.”
Jed references The Universe Story, by Dr. Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry, that narrates a new story about how life first evolved on Earth about four billion years ago…when the first male cell entered the first female cell.
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“If you could make male mortality rates the same as female rates, you would do more good than curing cancer.” — Randolph M. Nesse, M.D.
Healing Men, Healing the Planet
On November 19th MenAlive will bring together six of the experts in the field of gender medicine and men’s health or a unique on-line event. Those attending will learn what we believe are the most significant issues facing men and their families at this time in human history and what we believe are ways we can shift away from a Dominator system to one of true Partnership. We will expand our efforts for programs that we will develop for 2022 and beyond.
Learn More and Register:
Learn More about Jed Diamond’s work:
The Good Men Project
So nice to share these resources with the Center. Happy to connect and answer any questions your readers may have.
I hope this reaches you. With the election in the US of Donald Trump and the growing number of radicalized young men online, how do we go forward toward a gylanly or partnership model?