Watch the May 6, 2020 webinar with Riane Eisler on the B?Women Dialogues. In conversation with Laura Giadorou Koch, Eisler speaks to a new economic system that values care and caregiving. Current data shows the positive impact of a caring economy in both the market and non-market sectors in all sectors of society. Eisler will share aspects of the domination and partnership systems, and tools on how we can build a new economic structure that will promote creativity and generosity post CV19.
The mission of the weekly Women B Dialogues webinars is to support change makers who are co-creating a platform for the care economy focusing on gender and climate action.
Listen to the Webinar
#mujeresb #bwomen #mulheresb
is there a way in which we can sign up to get a reminder?
I look forward to listening to this meeting. I am currently attending an online introductory philosophy course called “Economics With Justice”, which the academic ,male, informed us that women’s issues wouldn’t be considered viable indices of economic health, and not discussed on the course,