Sustaining Supporters
We hope you will consider becoming a sustaining supporter with a gift that renews automatically each month. Just select a monthly gift of any amount and check the "Make this donation monthly" box to become a Sustaining Supporter. Thank you!
Donating Via Paypal
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501c3 Tax Exempt Number:
CPS is a registered 501C3 not-for-profit charity. All donations will receive a donation acknowledgement letter, to assist with your tax preparations.
Because of your support, programs such as the Social Wealth Index, the Partnerism movement and our Leadership and Learning online courses provide tools to change agents, policy makers, and people worldwide. The Social Wealth Index consists of unique new metrics that demonstrate the value of the work of caring for people, starting in early childhood -- work still sorely undervalued, and often ignored, in our current economic system.
Through your gifts, you stand with us to ensure that lawmakers and the public are informed and active regarding paid parental leave, high quality early childhood education, caregiver tax credits, and other timely, humane policies.