April 5, 2021
Riane Eisler was recently featured in a webinar for the Radical AI Measurementality podcast , which is a project of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) and focuses on perspectives related to making Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) more “transparent, responsible and trustworthy.” In this webinar, Riane spoke about her work on the caring economy in the context of prioritizing people’s mental health. The topic was as follows:
What metrics do you trust that guide your efforts to improve your mental health? And how do you value the caregivers in your lives? How does the fact that caregiving metrics aren’t a part of GDP/ economic Indicators affect how society and AI Systems design prioritize mental health and caregivers – or not?
Watch the full webinar here
Read more:
Charlottesville, Authoritarianism, and Partnership: Toward a Better Economic and Social System