June 22, 2021
How we use language is key in the shift to Partnership Systems.
Domination-based words and phrases have been built in to our everyday use of the English language, and influence the way we perceive the world.
For example, the figure of speech “I will whip that into shape” originated within the current domination system and uses violent and abusive language that references torture, whether of women, men, slaves, or horses. A Partnership based metonym for this phrase might be “I will concentrate on this project” or “I will finish this project soon”.
Together we can become more aware of our use of domination-based language and begin to consciously choose more caring, non-violent, and race/gender equitable language. Words and phrases in the areas of politics, economics, organizational development, business, and gender/family relations are particularly applicable.
The examples below are a sampling of the many phrases that can evolve from a context of domination to Partnership in our everyday use of language:
Find more Partnership vocabulary here.
Do you have other examples of Domination to Partnership language to share?
Let us know: contact CPS with your ideas. https://centerforpartnership.org/connect/
See also: Riane Eisler on the Economic Value of Caring

Not exactly the idea here but, I will keep thinking and asking others.
Hat tip to Shane Safir.
If you have to have grades, use ABC/I (Incomplete) so kids can make up any classes they struggled in.
D feels like defeat and F signals failure. Get failure out of the classroom. Hat tip to Shane Safir.
Instead of “We’re locked and loaded.” Try this, “We’re ready to go.”
(“Loaded for bear.” What does this mean?—We’re ready for anything! ?)
Thank you so much!