In a Forbes article titled, "You’ve Met The Fathers Of Capitalism And Socialism—Now Meet The Mother Of Partnerism", journalist Melissa Jun Rowley eloquently introduces Riane Eisler as the Mother of Partnerism.
Rowley starts off by asking readers to use their imaginations and think of a world that history books fail to teach us.
Imagine a world where men and women equally share power... Dr. Riane Eisler shows that such an era existed 5,000 years ago for thousands of years. However men in leadership positions deliberately erased this social construct from history. Eisler has filled in the gaps of missing data. You could say she’s an expert at doing this.
Eisler has always been a connoisseur at connecting the dots and filling in the gaps of history, but Rowley's piece moves beyond that. The article focuses on Eisler's vision about how society can move forward to build an economy rooted in Partnerism.
Rowley focuses on Eisler's research in investing in "Human Infrastructure", changing how we measure prosperity, and expanding our narratives & language.
Rowley concludes the article with a beautifully crafted reflection:
In an era where people are striving for equality—and by that I mean today—having a partnership alternative in our language, our stories, our technology, our households, our government, and our economic systems shouldn’t simply be an option. My thoughts are that it should be the gold standard. Equal means more than equal rights. It means shared responsibility, and caring and nurturing for the people and the environment making partnership possible. That’s a world that I believe most of us want to live in. How fortunate are we that Eisler has created a blueprint for us to create it?
Read Rowley's Forbes article in full, here.
Read Rowley's other articles about ground breaking women here.
See also: Riane Eisler on the Behind Greatness Podcast
Riane Eisler on the Economic Value of Caring

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