David Loye, Riane Eisler's beloved husband and partner, died of Covid during the night of January 24, 2022. This was two days after they celebrated their 45th Anniversary. We invite you to join Riane Eisler in honoring and remembering David.
To continue his legacy, the David Loye Memorial Fund was created to spread and further his vital research and writing on evolution, his pioneering recovery of what Darwin really said about humans, moral sensitivity, love, and more, including David's many books.
A Message from Riane
I am blessed to have had these extraordinary years with David, with this amazingly wonderful, brilliant, creative, witty, and loving man. He was my best friend, the love of my life. I am devastated, but want to share with you the short obituary I wrote in his honor as well as a few photos.David was truly remarkable, still writing and researching almost up to the end, despite his age and failing health. He worked hard all his life to make the world better.You can donate to the David Loye Memorial Fund here and leave a message of condolence and/or share a memory of David here.Please keep David in your hearts, thoughts, and prayers.With love,Riane Eisler
Riane's Obituary for David Loye

Grandfather's Garden
In 2019, David Loye published his first-ever collection of children’s stories, Grandfather’s Garden. What better way to spend a few minutes of your afternoon than diving into David’s tales of youthful wonder?
Join Riane Eisler for a rare interview with Grandfather’s Garden author David Loye:
Read more: Riane Eisler and David Loye: Evolving Through Our Meta-Crisis (Part 1)
Human Evolution and Partnership: Riane Interviews with David Loye
What is there to say? What is there to do? What could possibly serve as a fitting tribute to the passing of such a remarkable and well-lived life? I can only shed tears of gratitude that such a one as he existed on this earth and blessed us all with his wisdom, insight and generosity of spirit.
And, to my dear Riane, I send love and light in the hope that you feel supported in taking the next step, and then the one after that. Because, in the end, that is all those of us that are left can do–put one foot in front of the other. I know well that that that is a lesson you have already learned many times in this life.