There are signs of movement toward a partnership system, despite our environment crisis and the troubling rise of authoritarian power in the world. In the March 8, 2017 blog post in Psychology Today, Rachel Clark interviews cultural change leader Riane Eisler as part of the new series ?Mothering Nature in the Age of Trump?.

Are we at a significant moment in human cultural evolution? Dr. Eisler: ?Yes there are signs of movement toward a partnership system where ? beginning with the basic difference in our species between male and female ? difference is not equated with superiority or inferiority, dominating or being dominated, being served or serving.? Is it possible for humans to shift away from a dominator system, and work in partnership with each other and with the natural world? A mutually empowering system of care and collaboration in all social systems, particularly economics, is needed. Read more…
Riane Eisler invites readers to join the Center for Partnership Studies leadership community in supporting an integrated progressive political agenda. This agenda focuses on four cornerstones: family and childhood relations, gender relations, economic relations, and narratives and language.
Learn more about CPS? Leadership & Learning classes and webinars:?
Changing Our Story, Changing Our Lives: Riane Eisler?s Cultural Transformation Course
Cohort now forming, starts April 22, 2017
Claiming the Value of Care with Kate Duva
Saturday, April 29, 2017
The Caring Economy Advocates Program
Cohort now forming, starts May?11, 2017
Watch this three minute Vimeo for a powerful overview of Eisler’s life and work
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