June 1, 2021
The Chalice and The Blade, or El Cáliz y la Espada, has been reissued in Spain, thirty years after its first Spanish print edition. Spanish journalist, Juan Torres Lopez, highlighted Eisler's research in an article titled, "Covid-19 y desigualdad de género: diferencias con otras crisis" or "Covid-19 & Gender Inequality: the differences compared to other crises", in the Spanish newspaper, Diario Publico.
The article focuses on how the Covid-19 pandemic has been more detrimental to women than men. Lopez explains how Covid-19 has caused a greater drop in female employment, stating that women have had a 19% higher risk of losing their job than men. While female unemployment increased, Lopez adds, so did the demand for unpaid domestic work. This caused the distribution of domestic work to become even more unequal, finding that it is carried out by women to a much greater extent (72% on average in the world).
Lopez concludes his piece with a metaphor that Eisler paints in The Chalice and The Blade or El Cáliz y La Espada.
También es pronto para comprobar si su presencia ha sido o no decisiva para darle un giro a las políticas. Para lograr que la gestión de los problemas sociales o empresariales responda a principios distintos a los que imprimen los hombres que llevamos cientos o incluso miles de años imponiendo los valores de la espada frente a los femeninos del cáliz, por utilizar los términos del magnifico libro de Riane Eisler (El Cáliz y La Espada. De las diosas a los dioses: culturas pre-patriarcales) que acaba de publicar la editorial Capitán Swing. También hay que reforzar esta tendencia para ayudar a que las mujeres no se vean obligadas a reproducir los comportamientos masculinos una vez que van superando los techos que les han impedido levantar el vuelo durante tanto tiempo.
Lo que está claro, en todo caso, es que sigue siendo fundamental tener presente que la crisis afecta de modo desigual a mujeres y hombres, que es muy injusto tratar igual a los desiguales, y que es imprescindible tener en cuenta las diferencias con las anteriores crisis y los nuevos procesos que se abren paso a la hora de diseñar las (imprescindibles) políticas de igualdad.
English Translation:
It is also early to see whether or not their presence has been decisive in changing the policy. To ensure that the management of social or business problems responds to principles different from those printed by the men who have spent hundreds or even thousands of years imposing the values of the sword against the feminine of the chalice, to use the terms of the magnificent book of Riane Eisler ( The chalice and the sword. From the goddesses to the gods: pre-patriarchal cultures ) just published by the publishing house Captain Swing. This trend must also be reinforced to help women not be forced to reproduce masculine behaviors once they have overcome the ceilings that have prevented them from taking off for so long.
What is clear, in any case, is that it is still essential to bear in mind that the crisis affects women and men unequally, that it is very unfair to treat unequals equally, and that it is essential to take into account the differences with the previous ones. crisis and the new processes that are making their way when designing the (essential) equality policies."
See also: El Cáliz y la Espada: The popularity of the Chalice and the Blade in Colombia

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