The Center for Partnership Studies Leadership Series: Pointing the Way To More Effective Investments In Our Future

Dr. Kennedy-Oehlert earned her Doctorate in Nursing Practice in Health Innovations and Leadership at University of Minnesota, where she focused her scholarship on the effects of culture on healthcare outcomes, and explored how Riane Eisler?s theory of cultural transformation can serve as the foundation for successful culture-change efforts. In her current role as Chief Administrative Officer of Ambulatory Services and Associate Chief Experience Officer at the University of California, San Diego, Julie has oversight of all ambulatory services and is tasked with operationalizing partner-based leadership and driving a partnership culture.
Changing Healthcare Culture: Implementing Partnership in Systems of Care
What does it take to transform a professional culture steeped in hierarchies of domination and control to one that embodies partnership principles like mutual respect, co-learning, collaborative teamwork, and empathy?
Dr. Julie KennedyOehlert DNP, RN, is currently charged with overseeing a massive, partnership-based leadership development and culture-change initiative throughout the UCSD School of Medicine and UCSD Health Systems. In the exciting June 18, 2015 webinar, she described how Riane Eisler?s theory of power and partnership is guiding her efforts to reshape the human relationships at the heart of healthcare.
Anyone interested in the applications of Riane Eisler?s partnership model to the fields of leadership development, organizational culture change, inter-professional education and healthcare will be fascinated by this lively and practical conversation with one of the premier national experts in the implementation of partnership in large organizations.
Drawing on decades of experience as a nurse, healthcare consultant, educator, and administrator in large hospital systems, KennedyOehlert shared stories and examples of what it really takes to operationalize cultures of partnership in healthcare organizations. She revealed how the work of Riane Eisler offers the practical blueprint for transformative change.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What is partnership-based leadership and why would a healthcare system want to adopt this approach?
- How is it possible to sway the skeptics and make the ?bottom line? case for fundamental
culture change? - Where are the cultural disruptors that begin to cascade a system into a truly ?new normal??
The complete June, 2015 90-minute webinar recording can be purchased for $25.
Contact Ann Amberg for more information.
2016 Changing Healthcare Culture: live webinar with Julie KennedyOehlert and Riane Eisler TBA.

Prior to leading NextSpace?s effort to found NextKids, Diana Rothschild worked as a strategy consultant to Fortune 100 companies at Blu Skye and McKinsey & Co. She grew up in the Bay Area in a close-knit family, where she experienced the power of togetherness. Diana received a B.S. in Business Administration from University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from Stanford University.
Making the Business Case for Care: with Special Guest Diana Rothschild
How is the knowledge economy driving a caring revolution at work?
Diana Rothschild, President & CEO of NextSpace and NextKids, has a front row seat to the changes sweeping the landscape of work in the 21st century. In the knowledge/service economy that leans toward disconnection and isolation for increasing numbers of workers, NextSpace offers an innovative model of collaborative and caring community, including NextKids, a care space where working parents and their children can thrive, equally, without compromise ? in the same location.
On April 28, 2015, The Caring Economy Campaign hosted a dynamic online conversation with Diana, Riane Eisler and business and community leaders. Diana discussed how NextSpace and NextKids are nurturing community and co-locating workspaces and carespaces to model a ?best case scenario? for bringing an ethic of care to the 21st century freelance workforce. This innovative caring business model empowers women entrepreneurs and enables parents to find supportive solutions to the balancing act of job and family.
Anyone interested in the future of business and the changing landscape of work, will be inspired and informed by this exciting dialogue about what the NextSpace experience can teach us about the needs of 21st century workforce and why businesses of all kinds must adopt caring policies to stay economically competitive.
The complete April, 2015 90-minute webinar recording can be purchased for $25.
Contact Ann Amberg for more information.

Jane Parker serves Monterey County, California as the Fourth District County Supervisor. Jane?s leadership has resulted in fundamental changes in the culture of County government in responsible land-use policy, equitable healthcare access, education and preventive social policy.
Implementing Caring Policy: Leading Change at the State and Local Level with Special Guest Jane Parker
Policies that provide meaningful financial and social support for caregivers are an essential cornerstone of a caring economy ? but they don?t just happen!
On May 28, 2015, Riane Eisler joined Monterey County Supervisor Jane Parker for a dynamic online conversation about what it really takes to work within a local government setting to advocate for a more just and caring economy.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Which US states are leading the way with paid parental leave, sick leave and other policies that support women, families, young children, and the natural environment?
- Exactly how are those policies funded and structured?
- Where in the world can we find inspirational models of caring policies like caregiver tax credits and wage subsidies to support high quality teachers of early child care?
- How can Social Wealth Economic Indicators be used as a guidance system to link investments in care with economic outcomes?
- What are some practical strategies for working with groups and constituents that work to shift thinking and practice in ways that move essential caring policies forward?
- How do policy makers and policy-change advocates personally manage to sustain hope and positive energy through the long, often difficult push to create fundamental shifts?
Our group of community and policy leaders came away with a fresh understanding of how real world policy makers are strategically overcoming the challenges of leading transformative change. Get inspired and emboldened to continue your own work as an advocate for the essential policies needed to make real improvements in the lives of families and expand economic prosperity throughout your community.
The complete May, 2015 90-minute webinar recording can be purchased for $25.
Contact Ann Amberg for more information.

Riane Eisler, JD, is President of the Center for Partnership Studies and internationally known as a systems scientist, attorney working for the human rights of women and children, and author of The Chalice and the Blade and The Real Wealth of Nations.
Conversations with Riane Eisler: Leadership for a Life-Sustaining World
?Inspiring conversation, so grounded and elevating with Riane; I felt a sense of community of those wishing to shift the paradigm.? – Webinar participant
In this popular webinar, acclaimed cultural historian and futurist Riane Eisler hosts a dynamic dialogue about how you can take a stand for a new story of human possibility and become a leader in the movement to a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world.
Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice & the Blade and The Real Wealth of Nations, illuminates the outdated dynamics of gender and power undermining our well-being and economic prosperity. She responded to questions about what role you can play in the shift to more caring and sustainable social systems that support the relationships that matter most to us all ? equitable and empowering relationships with our families, our communities, and our natural environment.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- How are outdated systems of gender and power still guiding our economic policies?
- How can we recognize and change these patterns?
- What would an economy that recognizes the value of the life-sustaining work of care still mainly performed by women look like?
- How would a caring economy put an end to the systematic impoverishment of women and children and generate greater economic prosperity for everyone, not just the 1%?
- What can you do to support these essential changes?
The complete July, 2015 90-minute webinar recording can be purchased for $25.
Contact Ann Amberg for purchasing and download information.
2016 Conversations with Riane: live webinar TBA.