July 31, 2018

Liz Copeland, certified Caring Economy leader active in caring policy advocacy, will be teaching a 90-minute workshop on September 24th, 2018 through Albuquerque’s Oasis educational program. In this class, “Paradigm Shift: The Work of Riane Eisler“, Liz provides an introduction to the extraordinary cross-disciplinary thought of Riane Eisler, JD, PhD, human rights scholar, feminist, and author. Riane’s contributions, including The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics, provide a new lens for thinking about economics, social hierarchy, and the possibilities of human beings moving forward towards a more peaceful and ecologically sustainable world.
Paradigm Shift: The Work of Riane Eisler
This 90-minute class will be presented by Liz Copeland
September 24, 2017, 1:00 ? 2:30 pm
Sponsored by Oasis ? Albuquerque.
For more information or to register: 505 884-4629
Liz Copeland is a teacher with a master’s in education from Portland State University. She read Eisler?s The Real Wealth of Nations when it was first published in 2007. Intrigued, she studied more and has presented the information in several venues. Liz recently promoted the adoption of social wealth economic indicators to the state of New Mexico’s Democratic party Platform and Resolutions committee as an essential guide for public investment locally and nationally.
If you are in theAlbuquerque area, check out this unique learning opportunity.
Thanks Liz for all you do!
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