April 27, 2021
In an interview with Spanish newspaper El País, Dr.Riane Eisler discusses the newest Spanish edition of El Cáliz y la Espada with journalist Juan Miguel Hernández Bonilla. The interview, conducted in Spanish, is printed in the El País article, “Es falso que la violencia y la dominación masculina sean parte de nuestra naturaleza humana” or “It is false that violence and male dominance are a part of our human nature”.
In the interview, Dr.Eisler explains the neuroscience behind why violence is so prevalent in modern day society and ways the world can abandon these domination systems and move towards a more partnership oriented world. Dr.Eisler describes how:
“Los centros de placer de nuestro cerebro se activan más cuando colaboramos y cuidamos que cuando competimos o dominamos.”
“The pleasure centers of our brain are activated more when we collaborate and care than when we compete or dominate.”
To show that partnership based societies are possible, Dr.Eisler offers Crete as an example. She explains how the island of Crete was the last example of a society that lived in collaboration. But, as violent clashes became more frequent, we can see the 180 degree turn that changed the course of humanity:
“Pasamos del orden social apoyado en el cáliz, en la adoración de la diosa, en la pacificación y la equidad, a uno apoyado en la espada, en las sociedades patriarcales, violentas y desiguales. De ahí el título del libro.”
“We pass from the social order supported by the chalice, in the worship of the goddess, in pacification and equity, to one supported by the sword, in patriarchal, violent and unequal societies. Hence the title of the book. of a partnership based society.”
They refer to El Cáliz y la Espada and the way Dr.Eisler’s book dismantles the old theory that humanity has known nothing other than domination systems and competition over another. Dr.Eisler explains the ways we can move to a partnership based society and how the Covid-19 pandemic has offered a unique opportunity to do so.
Read the entire El País article here.
Recently, Dr.Eisler’s work is gaining a lot of popularity and interest in Spanish speaking countries. The Chalice and the Blade was reissued in Spain and will soon be reissued in Colombia as El Cáliz y la Espada. Dr.Eisler is very excited and touched by the outpour of interest and passion for her work by Spanish readers and is looking forward to connecting with them more in the future.
See also: El Cáliz y la Espada. The popularity of the Chalice and the Blade in Colombia
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